Promote internal mobility

Don’t risk losing your most important resource—your people. Internal mobility gives employees the opportunity to advance without leaving the company. With SeekOut, people can chart their career paths and find internal roles, increasing retention and engagement.

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Support employees in their career journeys

Support employees in their career journeys

People who can’t envision a future at their company are less likely to stay engaged and stick around. With SeekOut, employees can discover roles and career paths that align with their personal goals — while exploring the connections, projects, and learning opportunities that will set them up for success.

41% of workers are leaving their jobs due to a lack of career development.

McKinsey. 2022
Illustration of character reading a book with different profiles in background

Elevate your internal candidate pool

Implementing internal mobility programs can be challenging, especially when you’re struggling to find employees who check all the right boxes. Source qualified internal candidates with SeekOut's comprehensive talent profiles—so you can retain top performers and reduce recruiting costs.

Companies that excel at internal mobility retain employees for an average of 5.4 years, nearly twice as long as companies that struggle with it.

LinkedIn, 2022 Workplace Learning Report

Grow your knowledge with us

an illustration of a pathway winding through tree-dappled hills meant to represent an organization's journey toward becoming skills-based

Infographic: Start Your Skills-Based Journey on the Right Path

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A photograph of a woman sitting at a desk speaking to another woman.

Talent Advisors are in Demand: Here’s How to Become One

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Recruiting Toolbox logo on the left with a headshot of John Vlastelica in the middle. SeekOut's Talent Visionaries logo is on the right side.

Recruiting Toolbox’s John Vlastelica on Leading Holistically in a World of HR Silos

Read the blog post →

Request a demo

Ready to take your talent optimization strategy to the next level? Request a demo to learn how SeekOut can help you recruit hard-to-find and diverse talent.

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Illustration of person reading with abstract shapes flying above